Journal articles

E. A. Schneidmiller et al.,
Observation of harmonic lasing in the Angstrom regime at European X-ray Free Electron Laser.
Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 24, 030701, 2021.

S. Serkez et al.,
Opportunities for two-color experiments in the soft X-ray regime at the European XFEL.
Appl. Sci. 10 (8), 2728, 2020.

W. Freund et al.,
First measurements with the K-monochromator at the European XFEL.
J. Synchrotron Rad. 26 (4), pp. 1037–1044, 2019.

M. L. Grünbein et al.,
Megahertz data collection from protein microcrystals at an X-ray free-electron laser.
Nat. Commun. 9, 3487, 2018.

M. Veronese et al.,
A nanofabricated wirescanner with free standing wires: Design, fabrication and experimental results.
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 891, pp. 32–36, 2018.

P. Finetti et al.,
Pulse duration of seeded free-electron lasers.
Phys. Rev. X 7, 021043, 2017.

S. Spampinati et al.,
Laser heater commissioning at an externally seeded free-electron laser.
Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 17, 120705, 2014.

L. Fröhlich, K. Casarin, and A. Vascotto,
Simulation and measurement of the radiation field of the 1.4-GeV electron beam dump of the FERMI free-electron laser.
Radiat. Prot. Dosimetry 163 (2), pp. 141–147, 2015.
First published online: April 2014.

E. Allaria et al.,
Energy slicing analysis for time-resolved measurement of electron-beam properties.
Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 17, 010704, 2014.

E. Allaria et al.,
Two-stage seeded soft-X-ray free-electron laser.
Nature Photon. 7, pp. 913–918, 2013.

B. Mahieu et al.,
Two-colour generation in a chirped seeded free-electron laser: a close look.
Opt. Express 21, pp. 22728–22741, 2013.

E. Allaria et al.,
Two-colour pump–probe experiments with a twin-pulse-seed extreme ultraviolet free-electron laser.
Nat. Commun. 4, 2476, 2013.

S. Di Mitri et al.,
Electron slicing for the generation of tunable femtosecond soft x-ray pulses from a free electron laser and slice diagnostics.
Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 16, 042801, 2013.

L. Fröhlich et al.,
Online monitoring of absorbed dose in undulator magnets with RADFET dosimeters at FERMI@Elettra.
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 703, pp. 70–79, 2012.

E. Allaria et al.,
Tunability experiments at the FERMI@Elettra free-electron laser.
New J. Phys. 14, 113009, 2012.

E. Allaria et al.,
Highly coherent and stable pulses from the FERMI seeded free-electron laser in the extreme ultraviolet.
Nature Photon. 6, pp. 699–704, 2012.

S. Di Mitri, L. Fröhlich, and E. Karantzoulis,
Influence of longitudinally tapered collimators on a high brightness electron beam.
Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 15, 061001, 2012.

D. Di Giovenale, L. Catani, and L. Fröhlich,
A read-out system for online monitoring of intensity and position of beam losses in electron linacs.
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 665, pp. 33–39, 2011.

W. Ackermann et al.,
Operation of a free-electron laser from the extreme ultraviolet to the water window.
Nature Photon. 1, pp. 336–342, 2007.

V. Ayvazyan et al.,
First operation of a free-electron laser generating GW power radiation at 32 nm wavelength.
Eur. Phys. J. D 37, pp. 297–303, 2006.

Scientific data

M. L. Grünbein et al.,
MHz data collection of a microcrystalline mixture of different jack bean proteins.
Scientific Data 6, 18, 2019.

Conference papers

L. Fröhlich et al.,
Taskomat & Taskolib: A versatile, programmable sequencer for process automation.
Proc. PCaPAC2022, pp. 94–97, Dolní Břežany, Czech Republic, October 2022.

S. Karabekyan et al.,
The status of the SASE3 variable polarization project at the European XFEL.
Proc. IPAC2022 , pp. 1029–1032, Bangkok, Thailand, June 2022.

L. Fröhlich et al.,
The evolution of the DOOCS C++ code base.
Proc. ICALEPCS2021, pp. 188–192, Shanghai, China, October 2021.

S. Karabekyan et al.,
Automation of the undulator middle plane alignment relative to the electron beam position using the K-Monochromator.
Proc. ICALEPCS2019, pp. 375–378, New York, USA, October 2019.

T. Wilksen et al.,
Revisiting the bunch-synchronized data acquisition system for the European XFEL accelerator.
Proc. ICALEPCS2019, pp. 1460–1464, New York, USA, October 2019.

R. Kammering et al.,
Review of commissioning and first user operation in respect to high level controls at the European XFEL.
Proc. ICALEPCS2019, pp. 1665–1668, New York, USA, October 2019.

S. Liu et al.,
Parallel operation of SASE1 and SASE3 at the European XFEL.
Proc. FEL2019, pp. 25–28, Hamburg, Germany, August 2019.

V. Balandin et al.,
First characterization of the photon beam at the European XFEL in July, 2017.
Proc. FEL2019, pp. 180–183, Hamburg, Germany, August 2019.

S. Serkez et al.,
Two colors at the SASE3 line of the European XFEL: Project scope and first measurements.
Proc. FEL2019, pp. 195–198, Hamburg, Germany, August 2019.

L. Fröhlich et al.,
Multi-beamline operation at the European XFEL.
Proc. FEL2019, pp. 335–338, Hamburg, Germany, August 2019.

N. Golubeva et al.,
Steffen hard-edge model for quadrupoles with extended fringe-fields at the European XFEL.
Proc. FEL2019, pp. 588–591, Hamburg, Germany, August 2019.

S. Tomin, L. Fröhlich, and M. Scholz,
Status of automated optimization procedures at the European XFEL accelerator.
Proc. IPAC2019, pp. 1212–1215, Melbourne, Australia, May 2019.

S. Liu et al.,
Collimator performance study at the European XFEL.
Proc. IPAC2019, pp. 1717–1720, Melbourne, Australia, May 2019.

W. Decking et al.,
Status of the European XFEL.
Proc. IPAC2019, pp. 1721–1723, Melbourne, Australia, May 2019.

B. Lorbeer et al.,
Energy beam position monitor button array electronics for the European XFEL.
Proc. IPAC2018, pp. 1927–1929, Vancouver, Canada, May 2018.

T. Wilksen et al.,
The control system for the linear accelerator at the European XFEL: Status and first experiences.
Proc. ICALEPCS2017, pp. 1–5, Barcelona, Spain, October 2017.

T. Wilksen et al.,
A bunch-synchronized data acquisition system for the European XFEL accelerator.
Proc. ICALEPCS2017, pp. 958–961, Barcelona, Spain, October 2017.

M. Veronese et al.
A nanofabricated wirescanner: Design, fabrication and experimental results.
Proc. IBIC2017, pp. 314–317, Grand Rapids, USA, August 2017.

S. Liu et al.
First beam halo measurements using wire scanners at the European XFEL.
Proc. FEL2017, pp. 255–258, Los Alamos, USA, August 2017.

S. Liu, W. Decking, and L. Fröhlich,
Beam loss simulations for the implementation of the hard X-ray self-seeding system at European XFEL.
Proc. IPAC2017, pp. 2611–2614, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 2017.

L. Fröhlich et al.,
High level software for the commissioning of the European XFEL.
Proc. PCaPAC2016, pp. 110–113, Campinas, Brazil, October 2016.

L. Fröhlich et al.,
High level controls for the European XFEL.
Proc. ICALEPCS2015, pp. 310–313, Melbourne, Australia, October 2015.

A. Aghababyan et al.,
The large scale European XFEL control system: Overview and status of the commissioning.
Proc. ICALEPCS2015, pp. 5–8, Melbourne, Australia, October 2015.

L. Fröhlich et al.,
Magnet server and control system database infrastructure for the European XFEL.
Proc. ICALEPCS2015, pp. 701–704, Melbourne, Australia, October 2015.

R. Kammering et al.,
The virtual European XFEL accelerator.
Proc. ICALEPCS2015, pp. 578–580, Melbourne, Australia, October 2015.

F. Schmidt-Föhre et al.,
Commissioning of the new online-radiation-monitoring-system at the new European XFEL injector with first tests of the high-sensitivity-mode for intra-tunnel rack surveillance.
Proc. IBIC2015, pp. 585–589, Melbourne, Australia, September 2015.

K. Casarin et al.,
Radiological safety studies for the TeraFERMI beamline at FERMI (Elettra).
Proc. RADSYNCH2015, pp. 7–17, Hamburg, Germany, June 2015.

R. Wanzenberg et al.,
Status of the Recommissioning of the Synchrotron Light Source PETRA III.
Proc. IPAC2015, pp. 1485–1487, Richmond, USA, May 2015.

L. Badano et al.,
Experimental characterization of the FERMI laser heater and its impact on the FEL operations.
Proc. SPIE 9512, 951217, May 2015.

M. Svandrlik et al.,
FERMI status report.
Proc. FEL2014, pp. 564–568, Basel, Switzerland, August 2014.

S. Di Mitri et al.,
Electron beam collimation for slice diagnostics and generation of femtosecond soft X-ray pulses from a free electron laser.
Proc. IBIC2013, pp. 49–52, Oxford, UK, September 2013.

E. Ferrari et al.,
Longitudinal phase space characterization at FERMI@Elettra.
Proc. IBIC2013, pp. 303–307, Oxford, UK, September 2013.

L. Fröhlich, S. Grulja, and F. Löhl,
DOSFET-L02: An advanced online dosimetry system for RADFET sensors.
Proc. IBIC2013, pp. 481–484, Oxford, UK, September 2013.

M. Aiba et al.,
Corrector response based alignment at FERMI.
Proc. FEL2013, pp. 205–208, New York, USA, August 2013.

E. Allaria et al.,
Double stage seeded FEL with fresh bunch injection technique at FERMI.
Proc. FEL2013, pp. 723–727, New York, USA, August 2013.

S. Di Mitri et al.,
Emittance control in the presence of collective effects in the FERMI@Elettra free electron laser linac driver.
Proc. FEL2013, pp. 6–11, New York, USA, August 2013.

L. Giannessi et al.,
FERMI@Elettra status report.
Proc. FEL2013, pp. 546–549, New York, USA, August 2013.

L. Giannessi et al.,
First lasing of FERMI FEL-2.
Proc. FEL2013, p. 1, New York, USA, August 2013.

M. Zangrando et al.,
Jitter-free time resolved resonant CDI experiments using two-color FEL pulses generated by the same electron bunch.
Proc. FEL2013, pp. 753–756, New York, USA, August 2013.

E. Allaria et al.,
Measurement of electron-beam and seed laser properties using an energy chirped electron beam.
Proc. FEL2013, pp. 24–26, New York, USA, August 2013.

S. Spampinati et al.,
Progress with the FERMI laser heater commissioning.
Proc. FEL2013, pp. 680–683, New York, USA, August 2013.

M. Svandrlik et al.,
FERMI seeded FEL progress report.
Proc. IPAC2013, pp. 1182–1184, Shanghai, China, May 2013.

M. Veronese et al.,
First operation of the electro optical sampling diagnostics of the FERMI@Elettra FEL.
Proc. IBIC2012, pp. 449-452, Tsukuba, Japan, October 2012.

M. Veronese et al.,
Intra undulator screen diagnostics for the FERMI@Elettra FEL.
Proc. IBIC2012, pp. 519–523, Tsukuba, Japan, September 2012.

M. Veronese et al.,
First operation of the electro optical sampling diagnostics of the FERMI@Elettra FEL.
Proc. IBIC2012, pp. 449–452, Tsukuba, Japan, September 2012.

L. Fröhlich,
Machine protection for single-pass FELs.
Proc. FEL2012, pp. 345–348, Nara, Japan, August 2012.

L. Giannessi et al.,
First lasing of FERMI FEL-2 (1st stage) and FERMI FEL-1 recent results.
Proc. FEL2012, pp. 13–18, Nara, Japan, August 2012.

E. Allaria et al.,
Spectral characterization of the FERMI pulses in the presence of electron-beam phase-space modulations.
Proc. FEL2012, pp. 213–216, Nara, Japan, August 2012.

E. Allaria et al.,
Coherent pulses from a seeded free-electron laser in the extreme ultraviolet.
Proc. ICXRL2012, pp. 1–6, Paris, France, June 2012.

M. Svandrlik et al.,
Status of the FERMI@Elettra project.
Proc. IPAC2012, pp. 1092–1094, New Orleans, USA, May 2012.

E. Ferrari et al.,
Electron-beam optimization studies for the FERMI@Elettra free-electron laser.
Proc. IPAC2012, pp. 1741–1743, New Orleans, USA, May 2012.

M. Veronese et al.,
Longitudinal electron beam diagnostics for the FERMI@Elettra FEL.
Proc. BIW2012, pp. 259-263, Newport News, USA, April 2012.

F. Giacuzzo et al.,
Equipment and machine protection systems for the FERMI@Elettra FEL facility.
Proc. ICALEPCS2011, pp. 1119–1121, Grenoble, France, October 2011.

F. Schmidt-Föhre et al.,
A new embedded radiation monitor system for dosimetry at the European XFEL.
Proc. IPAC2011, pp. 2364–2366, San Sebastián, Spain, September 2011.

S. Di Mitri et al.,
Commissioning and initial operation of FERMI@Elettra.
Proc. IPAC2011, pp. 918–922, San Sebastián, Spain, September 2011.

L. Fröhlich et al.,
Instrumentation for machine protection at FERMI@Elettra.
Proc. DIPAC2011, Hamburg, Germany, May 2011.

L. Fröhlich et al.,
The machine protection system for FERMI@Elettra.
Proc. FEL2010, pp. 667–670, Malmö, Sweden, August 2010.

S. Di Mitri et al.,
Recent commissioning experience of the FERMI@Elettra first bunch compressor area: Investigations of beam dynamics, modeling and control software.
Proc. FEL2010, pp. 26-29, Malmö, Sweden, August 2010.

G. Penco et al.,
The FERMI@Elettra commissioning.
Proc. IPAC2010, pp. 1293–1295, Kyoto, Japan, May 2010.

S. Karstensen et al.,
Machine protection system (MPS) for the XFEL.
Proc. RT2009, pp. 16–21, Beijing, China, May 2009.

N. Walker et al.,
Operation of the FLASH linac with long bunch trains and high average current.
Proc. PAC2009, pp. 2766–2768, Vancouver, Canada, May 2009.

F. Löhl et al.,
Observation of 40 fs synchronization of electron bunches for FELs.
Proc. FEL2008, pp. 490–493, Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, August 2008.

L. Fröhlich and S. Meykopff,
Improvements of the tracking code ASTRA for dark current studies at FLASH.
Proc. FEL2007, pp. 22–25, Novosibirsk, Russia, August 2007.

L. Fröhlich,
Dark current transport in the FLASH linac.
Proc. PAC2007, pp. 956–958, Albuquerque, USA, June 2007.

R. Akre et al.,
Initial commissioning experience with the LCLS injector.
Proc. PAC2007, pp. 1302–1304, Albuquerque, USA, June 2007.

A. Hamdi et al.,
Toroid protection system for FLASH.
Proc. DIPAC2007, pp. 349–351, Venice, Italy, May 2007.

L. Fröhlich et al.,
First operation of the FLASH machine protection system with long bunch trains.
Proc. LINAC2006, pp. 262–264, Knoxville, USA, August 2006.

S. Schreiber et al.,
Experience with the photoinjector laser at FLASH.
Proc. FEL2006, pp. 590–593, Berlin, Germany, August 2006.

L. Fröhlich and O. Grimm,
Bunch length measurements using a Martin-Puplett interferometer at the VUV-FEL.
Proc. FEL2005, pp. 114–117, Palo Alto, USA, August 2005.

O. Grimm et al.,
Detector response and beam line transmission measurements with far-infrared radiation.
Proc. FEL2005, pp. 114–117, Palo Alto, USA, August 2005.

O. Grimm et al.,
Longitudinal bunch shape diagnostics with coherent radiation and a transverse deflecting cavity at TTF2.
Proc. FEL2004, pp. 395–398, Trieste, Italy, August 2004.

S. Casalbuoni et al.,
The synchrotron radiation beamline at TTF2.
Proc. EPAC2004, pp. 2586–2588, Lucerne, Switzerland, July 2004.


L. Fröhlich,
Machine protection for FLASH and the European XFEL.
Doctoral thesis, University of Hamburg, Germany.
Published as report DESY-THESIS-2009-012 / TESLA-FEL 2009-03 at DESY, Hamburg, Germany, May 2009.

L. Fröhlich,
Bunch length measurements using a Martin-Puplett interferometer at the VUV-FEL.
Diploma thesis, University of Hamburg, Germany.
Published as report DESY-THESIS-2005-011 / TESLA-FEL 2005-02 at DESY, Hamburg, Germany, June 2005.


L. Fröhlich,
Machine protection.
Lecture for the CERN Accelerator School on Free-Electron Lasers and Energy Recovery Linacs, Hamburg, Germany, June 2016.
Published as CERN Yellow Report: School Proceedings, vol. 1/2018, CERN-2018-001-SP, CERN, Geneva, 2018.

S. Di Mitri, L. Fröhlich, and G. Penco,
Dispersion measurements, bunch length and energy spread resolution in the FERMI diagnostic lines.
Published as technical note ST/F-TN-12/XX at Elettra–Sincrotrone Trieste, Basovizza, Italy, October 2012.

M. Altarelli et al. (eds.),
The European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser technical design report.
Published as report DESY 2006-097 at DESY, Hamburg, Germany, July 2007.

L. Fröhlich,
Thermal load on wirescanners in the FLASH linac.
Published as technical note 2006-02 at DESY, Hamburg, Germany, July 2006.

Selected talks

Machine Protection (lecture).
CERN accelerator school on FELs and ERLs, Hamburg, Germany, June 2016.

DESY-M Seminar on accelerator operations, Grömitz, Germany, March 2013.

Diagnostics for machine protection at FERMI@Elettra.
Workshop on machine protection for linear accelerator complexes, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, June 2012.

The FERMI@Elettra MPS.
DITANET workshop on beam loss monitoring, DESY, Hamburg, Germany, December 2011.

Cherenkov Fiber Beam Loss Position Monitors at FERMI@Elettra.
DITANET workshop on beam loss monitoring, DESY, Hamburg, Germany, December 2011.

Instrumentation for machine protection at FERMI@Elettra.
DIPAC'11, Hamburg, Germany, May 2011.

Machine protection needs in ERLs (invited talk).
ERL'09, Ithaca, USA, June 2009.

Undulator protection for FLASH and for the European XFEL.
LCLS undulator magnet irradiation sensitivity workshop, SLAC, Menlo Park, USA, June 2008.

Beam loss monitors (invited talk).
ERL instrumentation workshop, Cornell University, Ithaca, USA, June 2008.

Machine Protection for the European XFEL.
Spring meeting of the German Physical Society, Freiburg, Germany, February 2008.

Recent results from FLASH – lasing at 6.5 nm.
Spring meeting of the German Physical Society, Freiburg, Germany, February 2008.

Experience from the commissioning of the FLASH machine protection system.
Future light sources workshop (FLS), DESY, Hamburg, Germany, May 2006.

Selected open-source software projects

GUL14 – General Utility Library for C++14.
Documentation · GitHub Repository
A high-quality C++14 utility library, used (among other places) at the core of DESY's DOOCS control system.

Documentation · GitHub Repository
A C++ library for automating processes with steps defined in the Lua scripting language.